P. 12

Treatment of certain transactions:
       Transaction           Fiscally Transparent                          Fiscally Opaque
       1.  Income from       Dividends or other profit distributions from a juridical person and income from the sale or
          investments        disposal of shares of UAE or foreign juridical persons
          made  by           will be taxable in the hands of partners in their  will be taxable in the hands of the
          unincorporated     distributive share.                           partnership.
                             a.  If partners are Juridical Persons:        Taxability in the hands of Partnership:

                             Dividends or other profit distributions  will be exempt from CT if :
                             •   Received from a resident Juridical Person
                             •   It is received from a Participating Interest in a foreign Juridical Person Income from
                                the transfer of shares will be exempt if received from a participating interest.
                             b.  If partners are Natural Persons:
                             •   Such Incomes shall be treated as Personal
                                investment income if the same is held on
                                their “Personal Account” and the conditions
                                of Participation Exemption need not be
                             •   If such income is received during
                                “Business activity”, then they are taxable in
                                the hands of partners and the conditions of
                                Participation exemption need
                                to be evaluated.
       2.  Gain or loss on    Will be treated as business income and subject  Is not subject to corporate tax in
          transfer, Sale or    to corporate tax in the hands of partners.  the hands of partners, provided the
          disposal of                                                      Participation Exemption conditions are
          partner’s                                                        met.
          distributive share
          in the partnership

       3.  Non-Deductible    •   Dividends, profit distributions or similar amounts paid to the partners.
          Expenditure        •   Amounts withdrawn by a partner in an Unincorporated Partnership or personal expense.
       4.  General Interest/   Applicability will be tested in the hands of  Applicability will be tested at the level of
          Specific Interest    partners and interest is allowable subject to the  partnership and the interest is allowable
          Deduction Limitation   limitation Rules.                         subject to the limitation rules.
          Rule               However, General Interest Deduction Rule is
                             not applicable to Natural Persons.
       5.  Interest on capital   •   Interest paid is treated as allocation of    •   Interest paid is treated as profit
          contribution to       income and not allowed as a deduction to       distribution and is not deductible in
          partners              the partners in determination of their        the hands of the partnership .
                                taxable income.                            •   It is not taxable in the hands of
                             •   It is treated as interest income and taxable    partners.
                                in  the hands of partners.
       6.  Interest paid on    •   Allowed as deduction only if it is incurred wholly for the business purpose and is at
          loans by partners      Arm’s length.
          and payment to     •   Taxable in the hands of partners while determining their taxable income.
          partners for provision
          of services.


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