P. 9

ownership interest and be entitled to its economic  Business Relief are ineligible to claim this Relief.
       benefits  according  to  the  applicable  Accounting
       Standards. The ownership interest (as any equity or  5. Financial Year and Accounting Standard:
       similar interest like a partnership interest that carries
       rights to the profits and liquidation proceeds of the  All entities within the Qualifying Group must have their
       Taxable Person) is determined based on paid-up capital  financial year end on the same date, ensuring uniformity
       and is aggregated if held in various types of instruments.  in the group’s financial timeline. They must follow the
       The third party (common shareholder) holding 75%  same Accounting Standards.
       common shareholding in two taxable persons does not
       need to be a taxable person themselves.                A Taxable Person can request the FTA to alter its financial
                                                              year’s end date to synchronize with other Qualifying
       The percentage of ownership must be calculated as  Group members, provided:
       (X/Y) *100 where,
       X = Paid-up capital of ownership interests held by, or the  -Such person has not yet filed the Tax Return for the Tax
       equity interest contributions made by the Transferor or  Period it is applying to change.
       Transferee or a third Person, as applicable
                                                              -the Tax Period is not extended to last more than 18
       Y = Total paid-up capital of the Taxable Person or the  months or not reduced to last less than 6 months.
       total equity interest contributions made to the Taxable
       Person, as applicable                                  -where the Taxable Person filed an application to shorten
                                                              a Tax Period, the application is not in respect of a prior or
       Direct and indirect ownership interests held by members  current Tax Period
       of the same Tax Group are determined by consolidating  -the application is made before the lapse of 6 months
       the ownership interests of the Parent Company and  from the end of the original Tax Period
       each Subsidiary within the Tax Group. The ownership
       condition is fulfilled if the required indirect holding is
       through an Exempt Person or a QFZP.

       4. Exempt Person and Qualifying Free Zone Person

       Relief is applicable to Taxable Persons, with Exempt
       Persons and QFZP being excluded. However, Free
       Zone entities that do not meet these criteria can still be
       included in a Qualifying Group. Where a member of a
       Qualifying Group becomes an Exempt Person or a QFZP
       in a subsequent Tax Period, that Person will cease to be a
       member of the Qualifying Group from the date on which
       the condition is no longer met.

       Furthermore, Resident Persons who choose Small


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