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        3.1.1 FTA Guide - Qualifying Group Relief

       On April 3, 2024, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) released  • The guide also provides clarity on various aspects
       a Corporate Tax Guide focusing on “Qualifying Group  concerning Relief conditions. Specifically, it clarifies that
       Relief” (Relief) to offer general insights into the Relief  common ownership by a third party, who doesn’t need
       provisions outlined in Article 26 of the Federal Decree-  to be a Taxable Person, eliminating ambiguity regarding
       Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and  the ownership condition.
       Businesses (CT Law).
                                                              • However, it’s worth assessing whether a transferor and
       While the guide is not legally binding, the guide aims to  transferee can be considered members of a Qualifying
       aid in comprehending the Relief provisions within the  Group if there’s a common ownership of 75% by Exempt
       CT Law.                                                Persons and QFZP in both entities.

       Following are the key takeaways that can be summarized  •  The guide elaborates on the tax implications in case
       from the Corporate Tax Guide issued by the FTA:        of transfer of assets and liabilities at net book value or
                                                              transfer of losses in the hands of the parties involved.
       • “Qualifying Group Relief” provisions is to streamline
       transfer of capital assets or liabilities between two  • Explanation for treatment of exchange of assets and
       Taxable Persons within a Qualifying Group, ensuring that  liabilities is also provided in the guide.
       no gain or loss is incurred for Corporate Tax purposes
       (with the transfer being assessed at book value). This  • A brief note on Business Restructuring Relief in relation
       facilitates tax-neutral restructuring/transfers, thereby  to Qualifying Group Relief is also included in the guide.
       maintaining the overall ownership structure of assets or
       liabilities within the group.


 UA E   TAX   UPD ATE  NEWSLET TER  ISSUE 01 - April 2024  ISSUE 01 - April 2024  UA E   TAX   UPD ATE  NEWSLET TER
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