P. 14

3.1.4 FTA Guide - Business Restructuring Relief

       On  April 17, 2024, the Federal  Tax  Authority  (FTA)  For Business Restructuring Relief to apply, all of the
       released a Corporate Tax Guide focusing on “Business  following conditions need to be met:
       Restructuring  Relief”  (Relief)  to offer general  insights
       into the Relief provisions outlined in Article 27 of the  • the transfer is undertaken in accordance with, and
       Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of  meets all the conditions imposed by, the applicable
       Corporations and Businesses (CT Law).                  legislation of the UAE (the “legally compliant condition”)
       While the guide is not legally binding, the guide aims to  • the Transferor and the Transferee are Resident Persons,
       aid in comprehending the Relief provisions within the  or Non-Resident Persons that  have a  Permanent
       CT Law. Following are the key aspects discussed in the  Establishment  in  the  UAE (the  “Taxable Persons
       Corporate Tax Guide issued by the FTA.                 condition”)

       • Compliance requirements and a brief  note on  • neither the Transferor nor the Transferee is an Exempt
       Interaction of Business Restructuring Relief with other  Person (the “Exempt Person condition”)
       parts of CT Law.
                                                              • neither the Transferor nor the Transferee is a Qualifying
       • Consideration  for the  transfer as per  BRR is also  Free Zone Person (the  “Qualifying Free Zone Person
       elaborately discussed in the guide.                    condition”)
       •  The guide also states the consequences of not electing  • the Financial Year of Transferor and Transferee ends on
       BRR.                                                   the same date (the “Financial Year condition”)

       •  Detailed explanation  on  clawback  provisions  along  • the Transferor and Transferee prepare their Financial
       with elaborative examples is given in the guide.       Statements using the same Accounting Standards (the
                                                              “Accounting Standards condition”)
       1. What is a Business Restructuring relief?
                                                              • the transfer is undertaken for valid commercial or other
       The Corporate Tax Law offers relief for restructuring  non-fiscal  reasons  which  reflect  economic  reality (the
       transactions, allowing smooth business reorganizations  “valid commercial reasons condition”).
       without tax penalties, supporting legitimate commercial
       activities.                                            3.Consequences of electing for Business Restructuring
       Business Restructuring Relief applies to two types of
       transactions:                                          Where a Business or an independent part of a Business
                                                              is transferred on a no gain or loss basis under Article
       (i) transferring a whole business or an independent part*  27(1) of the Corporate Tax Law, the assets or liabilities
       of it from one taxpayer to another (Article 27(1)(a)), and  transferred will be treated as transferred at their net
                                                              book value at the date when the transfer takes place.
       (ii) transferring a whole business from one or more  Accordingly, for the Transferor, there will be no taxable
       taxpayers to another, resulting in the cessation of the  gain or loss on transferring the assets and liabilities.*
       transferor (Article 27(1)(b)).
                                                              *Net Book Value = Cost of the Asset / Liability -
       *An independent part of a business operates            of Asset/Liability   Accumulated Depreciation /
       autonomously from other components, with transferred                     Amortisation or any other value
       assets and liabilities functioning separately.  Transfer                 adjustments.
       occurs on a going concern basis, adhering to accounting
       standards. Operational support, whether from Related  Adjustments to be made by the Transferee:
       Parties or third parties, doesn’t negate its independence.
                                                              Generally, the assets and liabilities of the business are
       2. Conditions to qualify for Business Restructuring  acquired at market value, and the transferee’s financial
       Relief:                                                statements reflect this value. Consequently, any changes


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