P. 11

3.1.3 FTA Guide - Taxation of Partnerships

       On March 4, 2024, the Federal  Tax  Authority (FTA)  the partnerships and the partners which is also further
       released a Corporate  Tax Guide on  “Taxation of  discussed in the guide.
       Partnerships”, offering insights into how Federal Decree-
       Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations        •  Types of partnerships and types of unincorporated
       and Businesses (CT Law) addresses partnerships and  partnerhsips  have  also  been  explained  in  the  guide
       its application, alongside other clarifications related to  along with their taxability.
                                                                 •  The guide also elaborates regarding the tax
       While the guide is not legally binding, the guide aims to  implications of transition from fiscally opaque to fiscally
       aid in comprehending the Relief provisions within the  transparent and tax treatment of foreign entities.
       CT  Law.  Following  are  the  key  takeaways  that  can  be
       summarized from the Corporate Tax Guide issued by the     •  Additionally, the guide also provides tax
       FTA:                                                   implications in the hands of the partners or the
                                                              partnership, in case of change in distributive share of
       Key takeaways:                                         partner.

         •  Taxability  and   treatment   for  incorporated      •  Tax treatment in case a partner leaves or retires
       partnership  (to  be  taxed  as  separate  Juridical  taxable  has also been elaborated in the guide.
       persons) vis-à-vis unincorporated partnerships (Fiscally
       opaque to be taxed as separate juridical person or fiscally     •  Corporate tax obligations have also been
       transparent not treated as a Taxable Person, instead  discussed in the guide.
       each Partner shall be taxed on their distributive share
       of assets, liabilities, income and expenditure). However,
       the partners of an Unincorporated Partnership can file
       an application with the FTA for the Unincorporated
       Partnership to be treated as a Taxable Person in its own

          •  The guide also outlines the procedure on how a
       fiscally opaque person can be treated as taxable person.

          •  The Guide also sheds light on the CT Compliance
       obligations and tax treatment of ForeignPartnerships.

          •  Interactions and interplays with provisions of Free
       Zone and Small Business Relief are also addressed in
       the guide.

          •  Partners in an Unincorporated Partnership shall
       be Connected Persons and transactions between such
       partners must be as per the arm’s length standard. This
       shall also apply to any Related Party of a partner in an
       Unincorporated Partnership.

          •  General Anti-Abuse Rules (GAAR) provisions shall
       be applicable for all the transactions entered into by

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