P. 16


        New Emirate Law Issued for Foreign Banks Based in Dubai

       On March 8, 2024, Dubai’s ruler issued Law No. (1) of  Penalty Provisions
       2024, replacing Regulation No. (2) of 1996. The new law      Particulars             New Emirate Law
       strictly imposes a 20% tax on the annual taxable income
       of branches of foreign banks in Dubai, except for those   Tax Evasion Penalty   2x the amount of Tax evaded
       operating within the Dubai International Financial      Delay  in  Payment  of  2% of the amount of unpaid
       Centre (DIFC) under the oversight of the Dubai Financial   Emirate level tax and/or  tax or penalty for each month
       Services Authority (DFSA).                              Penalty                 of delay or part thereof
                                                               Upper limit on penalties     •  Cannot exceed AED
       Previously, foreign bank branches in Dubai were subject   levied                      500,000 per
       to a 20% Emirate-level tax. However, the new Federal CT                               administrative
       Law introduced a 9% corporate tax, which could have                                  violation.
       resulted in double taxation. But the new Emirate Law                               •  Up to 2 times in case
       provides a solution by allowing foreign bank branches                                     of repetition of same
                                                                                            violation within 2
       to deduct the Federal CT from the Emirate-level tax,                                 years
       thereby reducing the burden of double taxation.

       The new Emirate Law is aligned with the old law in terms
       of computing taxable income and is also correlated with
       the Federal CT Law. It permits the deduction of Federal
       CT from the Emirate-level tax to prevent double taxation.
       Taxpayers must comply with the law by filing tax returns,
       making voluntary disclosures, maintaining records, and
       following detailed provisions for tax audits. They can
       also file objections and appeals, but the implementation
       of this law will be closely monitored by the DG through
       executive decisions.


      UA E   TAX   UP DATE  NEWSLET TER                                          ISSUE 01 - April 2024
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