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3.1.2 Public Consultation Paper on BEPS Pillar 2/ Global Minimum Tax

       On 15 March 2024, the UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF) of  4. The UAE will have to undergo a peer review process
       the United Arab Emirates (UAE) released a consultation  to establish whether its Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax
       paper on the Global Minimum Tax (Pillar Two) or Global  (DMTT) is equivalent to GloBE Rules so that it can be
       Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (GloBE Rules) to gather  considered a QDMTT.
       the views of stakeholders concerning the potential
       policy design options to respond to the implementation  5. The MoF  is exploring  the possibility of  having a
       of the GloBE Rules worldwide. The deadline to provide  separate return for QDMTT in addition to the GloBE
       input into the consultation was 10 April 2024.         Information Return (GIR). Additionally, it is considering
                                                              two options for the payment of Top-up tax liability either
       Brief Background prior to the Public Consultation:     annually following UAE Corporate  Tax law payment
                                                              dates or adhering to timelines set by GloBE Rules.
       UAE published Federal Decree Law No. 60 of 2023
       dated 24 November 2023 amending certain provisions  6. The financial accounting standards that would be used
       of Federal Decree Law No. 47 of 2022. This amendment  would be IFRS.
       introduces two new definitions in the CT Law:
                                                              7. The UAE MoF is contemplating the introduction of
       (a) Top-up Tax                                         substance-based incentives, with consultation questions
                                                              focusing on understanding the global benefits of such
       (b) Multinational Enterprise (MNE)                     incentives for taxpayers.

       The Decree released was silent on the size of the MNEs  8. THE UAE MoF will consider the following factors
       for applicability of GMT. However, FAQs released by the  when implementing tax incentives so that they are in
       UAE FTA indicated that this may be as per the OECD  alignment with GloBE Rules:
       BEPS project.
                                                              a. The development of flexible agile and future-oriented
       Key Highlights:                                        incentive packages tailored to meet the investor’s need.
                                                              b. The monitoring and compliance of incentives.
       1.  UAE  doesn’t  have  the  intention  to  apply  the  GloBE  c.  The approach adopted by other comparable
       Rules to UAE Headquartered MNE Groups which does  jurisdictions.
       not meet the revenue threshold of EUR 750 million.  d. Exploration of additional non-tax incentives.
       This is to not impose any additional and unnecessary
       compliance burden on the small UAE Headquartered  By initiating an extensive public consultation, the UAE
       MNE Groups.                                            MoF demonstrates a commitment not only to conducting
                                                              thorough analysis and review of the relevant regulations
       2. The UAE is contemplating using the common Euro  but also to offering a crucial forum for stakeholders and
       threshold instead of an equivalent threshold in UAE  taxpayers to express their views and issues.
       Dirhams to prevent discrepancies in the application of
       GloBE Rules.                                           This strategy highlights the UAE’s commitment
                                                              to harmonizing international standards with the
       3. The UAE was evaluating the adoption of the two  preservation of its economic environment, with the
       interlocking mechanisms to charge the Top-up Tax under  ultimate goal of achieving a comprehensive and
       the GloBE Rules, the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR) and the  informed rollout of the new tax frameworks.  As the
       Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR). Along with it, the UAE  consultation is now closed, it will be interesting to see
       has the intention to implement the Qualified Domestic  rules and further details to be notified by the UAE MoF
       Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT).                            and the FTA.


      UA E   TAX   UP DATE  NEWSLET TER                                          ISSUE 01 - April 2024
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