P. 17

Saudi Arabia                                           • Immigration perks, like exemption from the quota
                                                              system for hiring Saudi nationals.
       Increasing number of ZATCA Indirect Tax Audits
                                                              •  A 10-year exemption from the  “Saudization”
       ZATCA, the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority in Saudi   requirement.
       Arabia, has recently launched a series of tax audits, with
       a specific focus on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Real Estate   • Work permits for spouses and extension of dependent
       Transaction Tax (RETT) compliance to increase revenue.   age to 25.
       Larger taxpayers can anticipate audits every 1 to 3 years.
                                                              • Waiver of professional accreditation requirements.
       Tax audits by ZATCA can be initiated due to regular
       examinations of tax returns or  VAT refund requests.   • Expedited visa issuance and exemption  from visa
       The Draft Zakat and Tax Procedures Law may introduce   limits.
       penalties  for  incorrect  refund  requests,  underscoring
       the need for strict compliance.                        • Comprehensive services covering business, personal,
                                                              and concierge needs.
       During audits, ZATCA typically requests financial
       statements, trial balances, sales and purchase listings,   • Additional incentives available in the King Abdullah
       and sample invoices and credit notes. Taxpayers should   Financial District special economic zone since early 2022.
       ensure their responses are complete and relevant,
       avoiding unnecessary information that could lead to
       further queries.                                       Cancellation of Fines and Exemption of Penalties
       RETT audits are also becoming more common, focusing
       on aspects like tax base calculation, evidence retention   Zakat, Tax, and Customs  Authority (ZATCA) reminds
       for exemptions, and timely tax remittance. Given the   taxpayers to benefit from cancellation of fines and
       complexity of some real estate transactions, seeking   exemption of penalties initiative, which is scheduled to
       rulings from ZATCA based on specific scenarios can     expire on 30 June 2024.
       provide valuable evidence during audits.

       Regional Headquarters Programme (RHQ) in Saudi

       The  RHQ  Programme  by  the  Ministry  of  Investment
       in Saudi  Arabia (MISA) aims to attract multinational
       organizations  to  establish  their  regional  headquarters
       in the Kingdom, positioning it as a leading investment
       and commercial hub in the Middle East. The programme
       offers various benefits and incentives to encourage
       companies to set up their base through MISA in Saudi

       The RHQ Programme in Saudi  Arabia, part of the
       Vision 2030 strategy, aims to attract multinational
       organizations  to  establish  their  regional  headquarters
       in the Kingdom. The number of RHQ companies has
       increased significantly each year, with 180 established in
       2023. With a target of 480 RHQ companies aligned with
       Vision 2030 goals, the program is on track to achieve its

       The policy offers broad incentives, including:

       •  Tax advantages, such as a 30-year corporate tax relief,
       effectively reducing it to 0%.                         Bahrain

 UA E   TAX   UPD ATE  NEWSLET TER  ISSUE 01 - April 2024  ISSUE 01 - April 2024  UA E   TAX   UPD ATE  NEWSLET TER
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