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interest of at least 75% in the other taxable person or a  Transfer Pricing:
       third person should have a direct or indirect ownership
       interest of at least 75% in each of the taxable persons.  •   Arm’s Length Principle enforced for transactions
       •    These entities must share the same financial  with Related Parties.
       year and prepare financial statements using the same  •     Related Parties defined with a 50% ownership.
       accounting standards.  They must not be exempt or  Kinship, Control, Significant   influence criteria
       qualifying free zone persons.                          included.
                                                              •    Payments to ‘Connected Persons’ as mentioned in
       Tax Loss Relief:                                       the CT Law must align with market value.
                                                              •    Internationally recognized  Transfer Pricing (TP)
       •    Tax loss relief allows offsetting negative taxable  methods adopted.
       income against subsequent periods, limited to 75%  •        Authority  to  adjust  Taxable  Income  if results
       of total taxable income unless otherwise specified.  deviate from Arms Length Price (ALP) range.
       Unused losses can be carried forward until fully utilized,  •   ‘Disclosure Form’ to be filed for businesses to be
       offsetting against the taxable person’s income or other  notified.
       group companies’ income.                               •    ‘Master File’ and ‘Local File’ Documentation must
                                                              for Entities with revenue AED 200 Millions or more.  Also,
       Transfer of  Tax loss:                                 applies to UAE entities of Multi National Enterprises
                                                              (MNE) Groups subject to Contry by Country Reporting
       •    Transfer  of  tax losses  between  eligible resident  (CbCR) compliance.
       and juridical persons requires 75% or more common  •        ‘CbCR’ mandatory for UAE-headquartered MNE
       ownership, same financial year end, and use of identical  Groups with  AED 3.15 Billions Consolidated Group
       accounting standards, with transferred losses limited  Revenue.
       to the business part transferred. Exempt and QFZPs are
       ineligible for such transfers.                         Corporate Tax Returns and Payment:

       GAAR:                                                  •    Taxable person must file a corporate tax return
                                                              and settle the corporate tax payable no later than 9
       •    Law also covers General  Anti  Avoidance Rule  months from the end of the tax period.
       (GAAR) which is conceptually similar to what is adopted
       in many developed countries.
       •    Enter into valid commercial transactions to avoid
       any transactions primarily aimed at securing a corporate
       tax advantage

       Transitional Rules:

       •    UAE CT Law states that the opening balances of
       first tax period have to be at arm’s length as per Article
       34. This aims to mitigate the impact of past transactions
       on future income.


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