Page 9 - ICAI UAE TAX UPDATE_October 2024
P. 9

For  natural persons,  the Tax  Period  is the  Gregorian
       Where the tie-breaker rules do not resolve the dual  calendar year.
       residency status of the natural person, the competent
       authorities under the relevant DTA may consult with  Newly incorporated companies who have yet to file a
       each other and agree the natural person’s tax residency  Corporate Tax Return must be established for 12 months
       status                                                 before being eligible to apply for a  Tax Residency
       Permanent home test -  The natural person  needs
       to regularly occupy the home, with some degree of  A juridical person or natural person can apply for a Tax
       permanency and stability, based on a right of occupation.  Residency Certificate via the FTA’s online EmaraTax
       This test applies to the period of time in which the natural  portal, using their EmaraTax account.
       person’s residency position affects their tax liability. The
       accommodation should be continuously available at all  If the FTA is satisfied that the applicant meets the
       times to pass the permanent home test                  conditions to be considered a Tax Resident in the UAE
                                                              in accordance with the provisions of the relevant
       Centre of vital interests test - The country with which a  DTA, the FTA will approve the application and issue a
       natural person’s personal and economic relations are  Tax Residency Certificate stating the applicable DTA.
       the closest. Both the number as well as the depth and  The Tax Residency Certificate is only applicable to the
       importance of the natural person’s connections should  period selected by the applicant. However, the FTA has
       be considered in determining where the centre of vital  the authority to withdraw a Tax Residency Certificate if
       interests is located.                                  they become aware of incorrect information or a change
                                                              in facts that prevent the applicant from being a Tax
       Habitual abode - If the counting of days in a particular  Resident.
       period does not determine where the natural person is
       resident, then a longer period of time may be considered  The FTA can request supporting evidence and any
       in order to determine where the natural person habitually  documentation which it deems necessary for deciding
       spends their time.                                     whether to issue a Tax Residency Certificate.

       Nationality - The natural person should be considered  International form stamping
       resident in the country of which they are a national.
       Where they are a national of both countries or neither of  Some jurisdictions require Persons applying to avail
       them, the cross-border tax dispute shall be decided by  benefits under a DTA to provide an authorised or signed
       the two contracting states through a MAP.              document to show that they are a Tax Resident of a
                                                              particular jurisdiction. The FTA can, upon request, stamp
       Where the natural person is considered resident in a  forms provided by other jurisdictions.
       foreign country covered by a DTA between the UAE and
       that foreign country, the provisions of the applicable DTA  Some jurisdictions provide their own  Tax Residency
       has an impact on his or her tax residency status. Any  Certificate forms which they require to be stamped by
       income that falls under the “Business Profits” article of  the tax authority in the country where a Person claims
       the relevant DTA would generally remain taxable in the  to be a tax resident.
       UAE if the non-resident natural person has a Permanent
       Establishment in the UAE.                              In order to have their form signed and stamped, the
                                                              applicant must send the form by courier service to the
       Obtaining a Tax Residency Certificate                  FTA. If the applicant does not purchase a return courier
                                                              service, the applicant will be required to collect the
       A Tax Residency Certificate can be obtained for DTA  documents and form physically from the relevant FTA
       purposes and for purposes other than the application  office. Applicants  also  have the  option  to  submit  any
       of a DTA.                                              specific forms  online as a  scanned copy to  be signed
                                                              with an FTA ink signature, provided it is recognised and
       Applicants must include which  Tax Period or other  accepted by the other country.
       12-month  period  to  be  covered  by the Tax  Residency
       Certificate, depending on the specific situation. If a Tax  FTA takes, in general, 10 business days to respond
       Period is selected, it can only be the current Tax Period  from the date the completed form is received and the
       or a prior Tax Period.                                 processing fee of the relevant Tax Residency Certificate
                                                              has been paid.
       For juridical persons, the Tax Period is the Financial Year.

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