Page 7 - ICAI UAE TAX UPDATE_October 2024
P. 7

3.2 Corporate Guide on Tax Resident and Tax Residency Certificate

       The Federal Tax  Authority (FTA) has issued a guide  and commercial decisions” that are necessary for the
       “TPGTR1 - Tax Resident and Tax Residency Certificate”  conduct of the juridical person’s Business as a whole
       providing  insights  on  Rules  for  determining  a  natural  are, in substance, made.
       person is tax resident based on UAE laws and double
       taxation avoidance agreements during the month of  If a juridical person’s key management and commercial
       October 2024.                                          decisions affecting its Business as a whole are made in
                                                              multiple locations, the place of effective management
       Concept of Tax Residence                               and control will be the location where those decisions
                                                              are regularly and predominantly made.
       A Person may be liable to tax in any jurisdiction where
       the Person meets the criteria to be a tax resident.  A  When determining who makes the key management
       Person that has been subject to tax in both jurisdictions  and commercial decisions , it is necessary to consider
       should be able to claim relief from double taxation,  the Persons who substantially make those decisions.
       such as requesting a withholding tax refund. To do this,
       a Person may be required to provide a Tax Residency  Three tests to identify the Person (or Persons) who
       Certificate (“TRC”) issued by a jurisdiction.          make key management and commercial decisions are
                                                              considered below:
       Resident Person under UAE Corporate Tax
                                                              •   The board of directors’ test -   Where the board
       A juridical person that is a Resident Person is subject to  of directors have the legal power to make the key
       Corporate Tax on its Taxable Income derived from inside  management and commercial decisions of a juridical
       and outside the UAE. A Non-Resident Person, whether  person
       a juridical person or natural person, is generally only
       subject to Corporate Tax on income sourced in the UAE.  • The delegation of authority test - In some cases, the
                                                              Persons  who  have  been  granted  the  legal  authority
       The Corporate Tax rules for a juridical person also apply  may not, in reality, be actively involved in the decision-
       to  a Free  Zone  Person.  For  tax  residency purposes,  making process or governance of the juridical person
       where a branch of a foreign company is established in  or may have delegated some or all of their powers to
       a UAE Free Zone, the foreign company is considered to  others.
       be a Non-Resident Person for Corporate Tax purposes.
                                                              •  The shareholders activity test - Depending on the level
       If a juridical person is not incorporated in the UAE but  of actions taken by a shareholder, these can amount in
       is effectively managed and controlled in the UAE, it is  practice to effective management and control.
       considered a Resident Person for Corporate Tax purposes.  A juridical person that is a Resident Person is taxed on
       It is understood as the place where “key management  all income earned, irrespective of whether the income
       and commercial decisions” that are necessary for the  is sourced in the UAE or a foreign country. Natural
       conduct of the juridical person’s Business as a whole  persons will only be treated as a Resident Person if they
       are, in substance, made.                               conduct Business or Business Activity in the UAE, and
                                                              the Turnover from such Business or  Business  Activity
       The place of effective management and control is  exceeds AED 1 million in a Gregorian calendar year.
       understood as the place where  “key management

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