Page 8 - ICAI UAE TAX UPDATE_October 2024
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Tax residency under UAE domestic law                   months.  Where they are a UAE or Gulf Cooperation
                                                              Council (GCC) national, or hold a valid UAE Resident
       Meeting the criteria of the UAE domestic tax residency  Permit, and they have a Permanent Place of Residence
       will mean that the Person is Tax Resident and, upon a  in the UAE, or carry on an employment or Business in
       successful application to the FTA, this will be evidenced  the UAE.
       by the issuance of a Tax Residency Certificate.        3. Their usual or primary place of residence and centre of
                                                              financial and personal interests were in the UAE.
       A juridical person is considered to be a Tax Resident of
       the UAE if it is:                                      Tax residency under Double Taxation Agreements

       • Incorporated or otherwise formed or recognised in the  If a juridical person is considered to be a tax resident in
       UAE or                                                 the UAE under the applicable DTA, it is eligible to apply
                                                              for a Tax Residency Certificate in the UAE in order to
       •   It is otherwise considered a Tax Resident of the UAE  obtain the benefits of the applicable DTA, if required.
       under other Tax Laws in the UAE
                                                              In the context of DTAs, Government Entities and
       The UAE tax residency rules for a juridical person  Government Controlled Entities are generally considered
       equally apply to persons established and operating in  as UAE tax resident and should accordingly be eligible
       Free Zones.                                            to avail benefits under the DTAs, wherever relevant.
                                                              However, if the relevant DTA defines Government for
       A UAE branch of a juridical person is an extension of its  the purposes of the DTA, this shall prevail.
       parent or head office and is not considered a separate
       legal entity in its own right. A UAE branch of a foreign  Some DTAs have specific rules for juridical persons
       company is not considered to be a Tax Resident Person.  that are commonly exempt from Corporate Tax such as
       Instead, the foreign company is considered to be a Non-  Government Entities, public benefit entities and pension
       Resident Person.                                       funds.

       Under the Corporate Tax Law, a juridical person that is  DTAs adopt various approaches to solve dual residence
       not incorporated in the UAE may still be considered to  situations for juridical persons.  These are generally
       be a Resident Person if it is effectively managed and  summarised as follows:
       controlled in the UAE.
                                                              • the place of effective management criteria,
       The  tax  residency status of  an  Exempt  Person  is
       determined by reference to the type of Exempt Person  • the Mutual Agreement Procedure, and
       in question. Exempt Persons include four categories of
       persons:                                               • other criteria, such as where the head office is located
                                                              or where the juridical person is incorporated.
       Category 1: Automatically Exempt Persons
                                                              The UAE aims to avoid a situation of double taxation by
       Category 2: Exempt if they notify the Ministry of Finance,  defining the taxing rights of each country or granting
       and meet the relevant conditions                       relief from double taxation. The residency criteria in a
                                                              DTA typically requires an individual seeking to apply
       Category 3: Exempt Persons if listed in a Cabinet Decision  the DTA to either be liable to tax, to have the relevant
       and subject to meeting relevant conditions             citizenship or nationality, to have physical presence in
                                                              the relevant country, or be domiciled or resident there.
       Category 4: Exempt Persons upon  application to, and
       approval by, the FTA                                   Many DTAs entered into by the UAE rely on other criteria
                                                              to solve dual residence situations such as the place
       A natural person will be considered a Tax Resident in the  of incorporation or the place where the head office is
       UAE for domestic tax purposes if they meet at least one  located.
       of the three conditions set out :
                                                              Where a natural person satisfies the criteria to be
       1. They were physically present in the UAE for 183 days  considered tax resident in both the UAE and in another
       or more, within the relevant 12 consecutive months.    jurisdiction under the relevant DTA, the tie-breaker rules
       2. They were physically present in the UAE for a period  in the DTA would allocate the residence of the natural
       of 90 days or more, within the relevant 12 consecutive  person to either the UAE or to the other country.

      UAE TAX UPDATE NEWSLETTER                                                ISSUE 07 - October 2024
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