Page 5 - Focus Group
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        CA Manoj Agarwal

        Dear Friends,

        It has been an amazing journey of Focus Group of Tax
        and Compliance, started in November 2019 under the
        vision of Dubai Chapter Chairman CA Anish Mehta with
        the objective to connect members of common interest
        through learning and knowledge sharing.                      “AN INVESTMENT

        Enthusiasm and participation from members in regular      IN KNOWLEDGE PAYS
        or on-line meetings, or on the WhatsApp group has
        been very encouraging. The publication of this journal is   THE BEST INTEREST.”
        another step forward in our knowledge building process.

        Taxation has been one major professional domain        for their continuous shower of appreciation on all
        for us CA’s where we are facing growing complexity     our efforts, be it selection of relevant topic or group
        and regulatory changes that happen with increasing     discussion, launching of online quiz, case studies etc.
        frequency. We live in very dynamic times where the
        regulatory landscape is constantly shifting.           Post couple of successful physical meetings on hot
                                                               topics, everything got halted due to Covid19 and to
        In GCC, after introduction of VAT and Excise Tax, we   keep the momentum high, we have launched online
        have seen regulations and clarifications come out very   quiz in our virtual meetings. As it said, show must go on,
        regularly, placing on us a huge professional responsibility   we had started group discussion, face offs, interactive
        to stay on the top of the changes. BEPS action points   discussions during our web sessions.
        brought further changes in dimension. The list is long:
        changes to transfer                                                                   Effective  use   of
        pricing,    DTAA’s,                                                                   technology during
        introduction     of                                                                   the   Covid19    to
        thin capitalization                                                                   engage   members,
        rules, CbC reporting                                                                  virtual      group
        and     ESR.     As                                                                   discussion, online
        professionals who                                                                     quiz   were    well
        have gone through                                                                     accepted       and
        rigorous    training                                                                  appreciated by the
        and learning, we are                                                                  members.
        uniquely placed to
        treat the complexity                                                                  Publication      of
        as challenging and                                                                    this journal is a
        interesting.                                                                          milestone moment
                                                                                              for Tax Focus Group
        I feel that the best way to gain from a                which was possible only through the contribution from
                                                               the members. I would like to take this opportunity to
        professional article is to read over a few             thank each one of you who has shared their knowledge
        times. For the first time we get a basic               and experience through articles in this journal.
        understanding.  In  the  second  and  third
        reading it becomes easy to think along                 It is on this note that I appeal to all members of the Tax
                                                               Focus Group to continue to participate actively and
        the points raised by the writer and make a             contribute to the process of collective learning.
        critical analysis for ourselves.
                                                               Look forward to resuming face-to-face meetings soon.
        Journey of Tax Focus Group started with sweet tooth    Until such time, stay SAFE and stay on top of TAX LAW.
        with our first session on Sweetener under Excise Tax
        which continues till now. We are thankful to the members

              The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Dubai) Chapter NPIO           TAX JOURNAL 2020    5
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