Page 27 - Connect 2 Impact Souvenir Flip Book
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Overseas Chapter - Messages Overseas Chapter - Messages
On behalf of the Houston, USA Chapter of ICAI, I congratulate Dubai Chapter for organizing the 40 Annual
International Conference themed “Connect to Impact”.
To ensure ongoing success ethically & responsibly, every business should focus on long-term sustainability.
My best wishes, wish all success for the the 40th International conference organised by Dubai Chapter of Corporate sustainability not only creates a positive impact on the external world but also generates goodwill
ICAI on 27 November 22. with the employees & other stakeholders of the company. Sustainability is something that cannot be
I convey my heartiest greetings to the Chairman of the chapter and entire management committee on the achieved overnight. However, it can be definitely achieved through the strong determination of the
occasion and wish the programme success.
management. It is an ongoing commitment.
May this conference be characterised by the fruitful thought provoking discussions, which will lead to Corporations should try to adopt best practices & invest on a continuous basis in new technologies, and
betterment of our society and fraternity.
alternate solutions to achieve a long-term target. Short-term investments in sustainability ideas will have a
long-lasting impact, minimal wastage of resources, and will also help to build a strong financial foundation for
I’m sure that this conference will be successful event considering the efforts you are putting in this event in the organization and thereby can be an inspiration for the other companies and future management to
quality and diversity in the notables and the thinkers. continue the legacy.
All the very best to you.
CA Pawan Sharda I take this opportunity to once again congratulate Chairman CA Anurag Chaturvedi, the Managing
CA Raj Kapoor Chairman, Committee, and members of the Dubai Chapter of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India for
Chairman, USA (Houston) Chapter of ICAI organizing this mega event and wish this conference a grand success.
New Zealand (Auckland)
Chapter of ICAI
On behalf of Netherlands Chapter of ICAI, I congratulate Dubai Chapter for organizing the 40 Annual
Leadership involves making sound -- and sometimes difficult -- decisions, creating and articulating a clear International Conference themed “Connect to Impact”.
vision, establishing achievable goals and providing followers with the knowledge and tools necessary to
achieve those goals. ICAI is the 2 largest accounting body in the world. ICAI members bring their skills & expertise to the table,
and they represent a varied social, cultural, and generational diversity. People coming from different domains
Innovation is a complex process, one easily identified as being of critical importance for organisational have a lot to teach one another, as do the associations that serve them. We intend to bring people and
success yet not easily managed. As international competition intensifies and product life cycles shorten, the organizations together to offer quality content and advanced learning opportunities that will help make
pressure to innovate heightens. everyone a better version of themselves.
Everyone of us in some way or other want changes in the world where we live. But to change we need to I am reminded that this spirit of service and human kindness should not be limited to a single day. We should
innovate new ways of doing things through which excellence can be achieved. It is but obvious the world is ask ourselves what are we doing to make a difference in someone else’s world on a daily basis. The question
changing with a rapid phase in term of technology and our (Finance and Accounts professionals) role is also is: What am I doing, what are you doing, what are WE doing the other 364 days? One small way my peers
to think out of box for doing same work in a different way to provide efficiency. are making a difference is by volunteering their personal time to lead this chapter, I want to take this
opportunity to thank our volunteers, our Board Members, and our partners who invest their valuable time
As Chartered Accountants, we are leaders in nation building, working to inspire creative change in every volunteering for the ICAI Overseas Chapter and you, our members.
aspect that we come across. Across borders we are all equipped with the power to inspire, influence, and
elevate each person we meet. I am happy to note that the theme of this conference echoes closely with this Friends, some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat. I urge all of you to
basic nature of our profession. come with new innovative ideas, advise, guidance and constructive criticism with suggested solutions to
create a lasting impact. It is not enough to tell the world that we exist. Let the world know us by our
CA Sriram Gopalakrishnan On behalf of the ICAI Kuwait Chapter; I congratulate CA Anurag Chaturvedi, Chairman of ICAI Dubai CA (Dr.) Vikas S. Chaturvedi performance that we excel in what we do. Let us do the things our way, the way that leads to excellence. This
motivation helps us to excel in all our pursuits and constant endeavour to create value.
Chairman, Chapter and his team on holding their 40 annual international conference with such a relevant topic with
Kuwait Chapter of ICAI widespread implication and applicability in day to day working in today’s world. Chairman, I take this opportunity to once again congratulate Chairman CA Anurag Chaturvedi, the Managing Committee
Netherlands Chapter of ICAI
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a and members of Dubai Chapter of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India for organizing this mega
leader." ~ John Quincy Adams event and wish this conference a grand success. Success is delivered only to the deserving. My sincere
support will always be there with you all.
Looking forward to seeing you soon. 27
#SharingKnowledge #CreatingGoodwill 40 TH Conference 2022 40 TH Conference 2022 #SharingKnowledge#CreatingGoodwill
Annual International
Annual International
#SharingKnowledge #CreatingGoodwill