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Member Articles

                                  PROCEDURE                                          DOCUMENT
            •  Previously  unidentified  or  undisclosed  related  parties  or   •  Annotations on ‘Related Parties
 Spot your market opportunities with Century Financial,  transactions.     Declaration’ obtained from client.
 UAE’s oldest investment services firm                                    •  Annotations on minutes of board/
                                                                           committee meetings

 With over 3 decades of regional presence, Century Financial is the first company of its kind, and have   •  Investigating  an  unusual  transaction  to  understand  if  the   •  Annotations  on  the  related
 been  at  the  forefront  of  the  financial  industry  ever  since,  offering  award-winning  platforms  with   counterparty involved is related to the entity  documents,  A greement,
 market-leading services.                                                  statements
 Starting out in 1989 by introducing international capital markets to UAE investors, it has developed   •  Adequacy of disclosures for areas such as   •  A separate document showing clearly
                                                                           how management was challenged
 enormously to become a reputable and recognizable name for discerning clientele.    non-GAAP measures, key sources of estimation uncertainty,   during the audit and the conclusions
              assumptions used in fair value and impairment assessments,   derived.
 Century Financial, is licensed and regulated by the Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority   current versus non-current classifications, working capital
 (SCA), UAE. It specializes in trading and investing in CFDs and exchange-traded derivatives ranging   deficiency,  loss-making  segments,  breaches  of  banking   •  Minutes of internal meetings.
 from  shares,  indices  to  currencies,  commodities,  treasuries,  and  ETFs,  among  other  financial   covenants, financial support by related and other parties,   •  Minutes of initial client meeting.
 instruments.  contingent liabilities, offsetting                        •  Minutes of management meetings.

                                                                         •  Minutes of final audit meeting.
 Based  in  Dubai,  the  company  has  established  itself  as  a  top  provider  of  investment  services,
 empowering investors around the region by providing cutting-edge trading solutions with a focus on
 customer-centricity as the cornerstone
 The  range  of  services  offered  by  Century  includes  investment,  trading,  consulting,  research,  and
 analysis. The company has made an endearing commitment to educating investors and giving them   Since professional skepticism plays a fundamentally important role in the audit and forms an integral part of the
           auditor’s skill set, its documentation is of high significance.
 the information, they need to make informed decisions for their investment portfolios.

 Since it was the first non-banking organization to obtain licenses from UAE regulators, the company
 has a long history of dealing with investors in the UAE and the GCC region helping the company with
 a comprehensive awareness of the UAE investor landscape and investor-base.

 As a frontrunner in the industry, the company has been actively collaborating with local regulators
 and  governmental  bodies  to  build  the  UAE  as  a  hub  for  international  investment  by  sharing  its
 knowledge and expertise in the ever-evolving capital markets.

 Over  the  years,  Century  Financial  has  earned  a  reputation  for  offering  top-notch  services,
 cutting-edge trading technology, and a variety of tradable assets providing its clients vastly improved
 trading experiences.


 40  TH Annual International  40  TH  Annual International
      #SharingKnowledge #CreatingGoodwill
 #SharingKnowledge#CreatingGoodwill  Conference 2022  Conference 2022  #SharingKnowledge#CreatingGoodwill
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