Page 112 - Connect 2 Impact Souvenir Flip Book
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Member Articles
strategy was to produce frozen bakery products as a the small factory space of 8,000 sqft. at Al Qusais
substitute to imports; expanded to a 40,000 sqft. factory space at IMPZ, the
client base grew as we supplied to 100+ 5 star hotels
• Forward integration that can give value addition to
quality products that the company has, as the MD and became an approved vendor of multiple airlines and
was one of the best bakers of not only GCC but the we were able to expand geographically into other parts
world; of GCC.
• All the above initiatives captured as “REALISTIC The end result was much sweeter than the pastries
RENOVATION PLANS” were marketed with several of the company as it was able to sell its Operations at
presentations to prospective investors. UAE(Excluding gourmet) and Bahrain to an MNC for a
sum of AED 94.50 million in 2021 .
Sincere and Efforts in the right Direction always What does this teach us?
Yield Results was the Experience:
Develop a business plan that is RUGGED and more
The steps mentioned above resulted in identifying and REALISTIC rather than an OPTIMISTIC and away to
connecting potential investors with the partners in a REALITY, if you wish to SUSTAIN and GROW.
transparent manner reaching an agreement where the SURVIVAL with a STRONG FOUNDATION will enable
incoming partners would pump in AED 3.20 million in us to GROW MANIFOLD.
2006 to buy the equity and working capital.
As we closed the books of accounts of 2007, the red
numbers became green with a positive bottom-line,
Annual International
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Annual International