Page 166 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
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        April to December 2024

                           BATF Opportunities for CAs and Professional in GIFT IFSC
                                                   13  November 2024
                                                                                                                                 Producing Opportunities
       The ICAI UAE Dubai Chapter recently  The   seminar    highlighted   the  alternative investment funds, and
       hosted a thought-provoking seminar on  transformative  potential  of  GIFT  offshore banking services.
       GIFT City (Gujarat International Finance  City as a hub for global financial
       Tec-City),  aimed  at  enlightening  services. Speakers emphasized how  Networking and Professional Growth                Windmills is the UAE's leading valuation firm, offering precise, fast, and affordable valuations
                                                                                                                                 for residential, commercial, industrial, and trade properties, as well as plant, machinery, and
       Chartered  Accountants and finance  professionals in finance and accounting                                               equipment. We love to be precise in our valuations, the fastest, the most economical and the
       professionals about the opportunities  could explore roles in international  The  event  provided  a  unique              most customer service centric firm in the UAE.
       this revolutionary financial ecosystem  finance, fintech,  and compliance,  opportunity for Chartered Accountants
       offers.  The seminar, which brought  positioning  themselves as  pivotal  and finance professionals in the UAE
       together industry leaders and finance  contributors to this ambitious initiative.  to network, exchange ideas, and
       enthusiasts, was a resounding success                                    explore collaboration opportunities
       and a testament to ICAI’s commitment  2. Strategic Insights on GIFT City  with like-minded peers. Participants
       to fostering professional growth and  Attendees  gained   an   in-depth  left with a clear roadmap to leverage
       global awareness among its members.  understanding of GIFT City’s strategic  the opportunities available in GIFT City,
                                           vision, including its state-of-the-art  paving the way for their personal and
       An   Event   Graced   by   Eminent  infrastructure, regulatory framework,  professional growth.
       Personalities                       and business-friendly environment.                                                    Who We Are                                                       Our Services
                                           The speakers elaborated on how GIFT  ICAI UAE Dubai Chapter’s Commitment
       The seminar was honored by the  City has become a gateway for Indian                                                      Established in 2016, Windmills is a leading asset valuation,
       presence of distinguished guests and  businesses and global firms seeking to  This seminar is another feather in the      building consulting and management advisory services               Property Valuation Services
       speakers, including:                expand in international markets.     cap of the ICAI UAE Dubai Chapter,               group in the United Arab Emirates. With over 800
                                                                                which continues to organize events               corporate clients, a global presence in 13 countries, and        Residential Properties | Commercial
       HE Satish Sivan – Consul General of  3.  India’s  Financial  Landscape   that keep its members informed and               multiple prestigious awards, including the "Gold Ranking"        Properties | Industrial Properties |
       India to Dubai and Northern Emirates,  Transformation                    empowered. By fostering discussions              from the Dubai Land Department, we adhere to                     Trading Properties
       who attended as the Chief Guest.    The event showcased how GIFT City  on globally significant topics like GIFT           international standards and provide expert services
                                           is reshaping India’s financial landscape  City, the chapter reaffirms its mission     through our branches in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Ajman.                Asset Valuation Services
       K. Rajaraman – Chairperson of the  by promoting innovation in fintech,  to support the growth of finance
       International  Financial  Services  attracting foreign investment, and  professionals  in  a dynamic  global                                                                               Plant Machinery and Equipment |
       Centres Authority (IFSCA), a regulatory  creating a platform for seamless cross-  economy.                                Why Choose Us                                                    Automobile | Vessels
       body governing GIFT City.           border transactions.
                                                                                The event concluded with an interactive
       Dr.  Dipesh Shah  –  Director  at  GIFT  Vision for the Future           Q&A session, where participants                            Scientifical Valuations                                   Building Consulting Services
       City, who provided key insights into its                                 engaged with the speakers, delving
       operations and vision for the future.  Speakers such as Satish Sivan and Dr.  deeper into the intricacies of GIFT City              Windmills uses WAR based Automation                    Reserve Fund Study | Service Cost
                                           Dipesh Shah inspired the audience  and its relevance to the global financial                    Valuation Application, to conclude precise             Study | Building Condition Audit |
                                                                                                                                           valuations, quality service, and smart controls.
                                           with their vision for GIFT City.  They  ecosystem.                                                                                                     Structural Survey | Technical Snagging|
       Key Takeaways from the Seminar      highlighted  its  potential  as a global                                                                                                               Reinstatement Costs Valuation |
                                           financial   powerhouse,     offering                                                                                                                   Project Monitoring
       1.  Opportunities   for  Chartered  unmatched     growth   opportunities                                                            Economical Fee
       Accountants                         in areas like wealth management,                                                                We can provide quality valuation for a very               Management Consulting
                                                                                                                                           economical fee to create long term
                                                                                                                                           relationships with clients
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Highest and Best Use Studies |
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Feasibility Studies | Business Plans |
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Business Enhancement Consulting |
                                                                                                                                           Fastest Turn Around Time                               Risk Analysis and Mitigation Consulting
                                                                                                                                           About 60% of our valuations are submitted to           Market Strategy Consulting |
                                                                                                                                           clients within 24 hours in the recent year.            Operational Policies Consulting | Turn
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Around Advisory | Customized Market
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Research Report

                                                                                 42    nd  ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL                                                                + 971 4 346 0290          [email protected]
                                                            $5 Trillion                                                          Contact Us                                    + 971 52 472 9083
                                                             Economy                    CONFERENCE 2024-25
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