Page 164 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 164


        April to December 2024

         ICAI Dubai Chapter Hosts a Dazzling Diwali Family Fest for Members and Their Families
                                                    19  October 2024

       Dubai, UAE – The Institute of Chartered  experience for all attendees.  A  One of the major highlights of the
       Accountants  of  India  (ICAI)  Dubai  sumptuous  buffet spread  offered  evening was the grand raffle draw,
       Chapter recently celebrated its much-  a wide variety of delicious dishes,  with  over  30  thrilling  prizes  up  for
       anticipated Diwali Dhoom & Garba  showcasing flavors that delighted the  grabs. Lucky winners took home an
       Dandiya Nite Family Fest 2024, bringing  taste buds and allowed families to  array of valuable prizes, including
       together members and their families  savor festive delicacies together.  mobile phones, home appliances,
       for an evening filled with joy, tradition,                               international air tickets, and gold coins,
       and community spirit.               The event also featured a host of  adding an extra layer of anticipation
                                           fun activities for all ages, including  and excitement to the celebrations.
       The event featured a spectacular live  games, creative art and craft stalls,
       performance by the renowned Garba  and competitions for both children and  Through  this  well-planned  and
       queen, singer Purva Mantri, along with  adults. The chapter organized a series of  joyous Diwali event, the ICAI Dubai
       her talented troupe.  Their infectious  engaging games, with many members  Chapter once again demonstrated
       energy  and  captivating  melodies  had  and  their families  walking  away with  its commitment to fostering a strong
       everyone on their feet, swaying to the  exciting prizes as a testament to their  sense of community and creating
       traditional beats of Garba and Dandiya,  skills and enthusiasm.  Adding to the  cherished memories for its members
       capturing the essence of the Diwali  excitement, each family received  and their families. The Diwali Family
       festival.                           thoughtfully curated goodie bags as a  Fest served not only as a celebration
                                           parting gift, filled with Diwali-themed  of tradition and culture but also
       In addition to the music and dance,  treats and souvenirs to commemorate  as a reminder of the warmth and
       the ICAI Dubai Chapter went above  the joyful occasion.                  togetherness that defines the ICAI
       and beyond to ensure a memorable                                         Dubai family.


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