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2. Exempt Income                                       Establishment as if it is a separate entity that operates
       •  Domestic Dividends: Dividends, and other profit  independently from the parent entity to which the
       distributions, received from a juridical person that is a  Permanent Establishment belongs (i.e. its head office),
       Resident Person are exempt from Corporate Tax with no  and also to the other entities of the group.
       additional conditions.
                                                              • In order to accurately attribute the profit between the
       • Participation Exemption: Dividends and other profit  Permanent Establishment and its parent, a two-step
       distributions received from foreign juridical persons  analysis is required:
       are exempt from Corporate Tax if the recipient has a
       Participating Interest in a foreign juridical person.  • Step one: Conduct a functional analysis to identify the
                                                              functions performed by the Permanent Establishment on
       If a Taxable Person holds a Participating Interest and the  one side, and the head office on the other side, treating
       relevant conditions continue to be met, it will be exempt  each as separate to the other. This analysis should also
       from Corporate Tax on:                                 take into account the assets used and the risks assumed
                                                              by the Permanent Establishment and the head office,
       • gains or losses on the transfer, sale, or other disposition  respectively.
       of the whole or part of the Participating Interest,
                                                              • Step two: Determine the compensation relating to
       •  foreign  exchange  gains  or  losses  in  relation  to  the  arrangements or dealings between the Permanent
       Participating Interest, and                            Establishment and the head office, commensurate with
                                                              their respective functions performed, assets deployed,
       • impairment gains or losses in relation to the  and risks assumed.
       Participating Interest.
                                                              3. Deductible & Non-Deductible Expenditure
       Only  income  received  by the Taxable  Person in  their  • The general rule is that expenditure must be incurred
       capacity as a shareholder (i.e. as an owner of the  wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the Taxable
       ownership interest) can be exempt. Other income earned  Person’s Business and must not be capital in nature
       from the Participation from other relationships, such as  for the expenditure to be deductible for Corporate Tax
       that of a debtor-creditor (for example, Interest income  purposes.
       received) or service provider (for example, service fee
       received), will remain subject to Corporate Tax unless  • Employee costs are generally considered to be wholly
       exempt under other applicable provisions.              and exclusively incurred for Business purposes provided
                                                              that they are not excessive. As such, it is not relevant
       • Foreign Permanent Establishment Exemption: a  whether  an  employee  is  paid  wholly  in  cash  or  also
       Resident Person can make an election to have the income  receives other benefits, such as a car for personal use.
       and associated expenditure derived from Foreign
       Permanent Establishments exempted from Corporate  •  Expenditure  incurred  in  relation  to  deriving  Exempt
       Tax in the UAE. Where such an election is made, the  Income is not deductible when determining  Taxable
       Resident Person shall not include losses, income, and  Income.
       associated expenditure in any of its eligible Foreign
       Permanent Establishments.                              • If expenditure is incurred for more than one
                                                              purpose, the portion of the expenditure which can be
       • Income attributable to Permanent Establishment       deducted must be identifiable part or proportion of the
                                                              expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the
       • A Permanent Establishment has the meaning contained  purposes of deriving Taxable Income and an appropriate
       in Article 14 of the Corporate Tax Law. A Person and its  proportion of any unidentifiable part or proportion of
       Permanent Establishment are Related Parties and should  the expenditure incurred for the purposes of deriving
       be  treated as separate and independent entities. This  Taxable Income that has been determined on a fair and
       approach is known as the “separate entity approach” .  reasonable basis.

       • The separate entity approach: Non-Resident Person is  Allocation keys are criteria used to determine how
       required to attribute the appropriate amount of income  expenses can be assigned or distributed across different
       and associated costs to its Permanent Establishment  departments,  products,  services,  or  divisions  within
       in accordance with the arm’s length standard.  The  a Business. These keys can be applied to factors such
       arm’s  length standard  requires  treating  a Permanent  as headcount, floor space, usage, time spent, or any

      UAE TAX UPDATE NEWSLETTER                                             ISSUE 05 - August 2024
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