Page 54 - Connect 2 Impact Souvenir Flip Book
P. 54
Event Highlights - April to September 2022
Ladder Of Accountability: Ask Where You Start, 1 April 2022
2022 is the 40th year, Ruby Anniversary, ahead of the curve that has helped in The lime light of the evening was Mr.
of ICAI (Dubai) Chapter and the event improving brand image of the Indian Sonu Sood, Indian Actor, Humanitarian
“ladder of accountability”, was an Chartered Accountants. and Philanthropist, who really
inaugural event for the new executive The event was also graced by engrossed the audience by sharing
committee which was yet again a eminent speakers such as Mr. Yogesh how he stepped up to come to the
proof of the splendid journey of the Chaudhary, Director & COO, CEO aid of thousands of families across
ICAI Dubai Chapter. The theme of the Jaipur Rugs who shared his successful India that were hit hard by the covid
event was to learn leadership traits journey by converting odds to your
from esteemed speakers by listening favour by passion and Ms Swathy pandemic. He connected so well with
to their success stories. The event took Rohit, Founder, CEO Health Basix, who everyone that all were stuck to their
place at Grand Hyatt Conference & spoke about quest in the making of seats till the last minute.
Convention center, Dubai.
an unicorn. We also had the presence
Chief guest for the event was of Mr. Bhupendra Chaubey, Editor-in-
H.E. Sanjay Sudhir, ambassador of chief and Co-Promoter, India Ahead,
India to UAE. His speech started who shared some insights into Indian
by congratulating the chapter for politics and how technology driven
keeping high standards for the Indian algorithms are playing a vital role in it.
community. He also addressed the
gathering about certain fine points
about recently signed CEPA agreement
between India & UAE and more
specifically about the opportunities it
brings to both the countries.
The event also witnessed presence of
ICAI President CA (Dr) Debashis Mitra
and Vice-president CA. Aniket Sunil
Talati. They congratulated the chapter
for playing an active role in enhancing
the knowledge base of its members.
They also shared details of various
initiatives taken by the ICAI in staying
Annual International
Annual International
#SharingKnowledge #CreatingGoodwill 40 TH Conference 2022 40 TH Conference 2022 #SharingKnowledge#CreatingGoodwill