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between Indian businessmen and local   under our various deposit scheme such                                                                          Print Media Coverage
                                            establishments in UAE. This is in line with   as  NRE  Term  Deposit  (1  to  10  years),
                                            our mission statement:  “To be a  Top   Rupee Linked Foreign Currency Deposit
                                            ranking National Bank of International   (1 to 3 years) and FCNR (B) deposit (1
                                            standards committed to augmenting    year to 5 years) and Non-Callable Term
                                            stake holders’ value through concern,   Deposit scheme for a period (1year to 10
                                            care and competence.”                years); retail advances facilities such as
                                                                                 Housing Loan, Mortgage Loan, Car Loan
                                            Today, Bank of Baroda functions in   etc; Complimentary Services through
                                            the UAE as the only Indian bank with a   PSB Alliance Doorstep Banking services
                                            full- edged banking license and has a   to the parents, grandparents of our NRI
                                            network  of  6  Branches  (Dubai,  Deira,   customers who are maintaining a
                                            Ras-Al-Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and   speci c balance in their NRE/NRO Saving
                                            Al-Ain),  9 Electronic  Business Service   accounts. Further, in our endeavor to
                                            Units (EBSUs) at Al Karama (Dubai),   o er personalized and prompt service to
                                            Shaikh Zayed Road (Dubai), DMCC, Al   our NRI customers we have a Centralized
                                            Mas  Tower (Dubai), Al Qusais (Dubai),   NRI cell and a dedicated NRI Desk at all
                                            Mussa a (Abu Dhabi), Shabiya (Abu    our branches in UAE.
      Bank of Baroda: State of the Art,     Dhabi), Al Mvzina (Sharjah), Hamriya
      Straight from the Heart               Free   Zone     (Sharjah),  RAKIA    The above initiatives are in line with our
                                            (Ras-Al-Khaimah) and 45 ATMS across   philosophy that banking industry has
      The UAE-India relationship enjoys a   the country marking 48 years of our   witnessed a paradigm shift from
      strong bond based on age-old cultural,   glorious banking presence in UAE. Bank   traditional banking to “convenient and
      religious and economic ties between the   of Baroda is also proud to serve more   one stop  nancial institution” with no
      two nations and which has only        than 156 million customers globally   compromise on ensuring customer
       ourished over the years under the    across 17 countries which speaks     delight. Our “State of the Art, Straight
      dynamic leadership of the two economic   volumes of the strong and deep connect   from the Heart” approach makes us go
      powerhouses    of  the   world.  A    of the bank with its clients.  With our   that extra mile for our customers and
      relationship which has further been   utmost   emphasis   on    Business   leaves them so delighted that they
      emboldened with the recent signing of   Transformation encompassing People,   always clamor for more.
      historic and landmark Comprehensive   Process, Products and  Technology, we
      Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)   provide a wide range of services to our  At Bank of Baroda, we deeply value your
      between UAE and India, a testament to   customers such as Online Remittance,   association with us and are committed
      the deep rooted strategic relations   Rapid  Funds  to  India,  Cash  on  Mobile,   to delivering best services to you. Please
      between the two nations.              Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.   feel free to connect with us through our
                                            Further,  we  also  deeply  value  the   Branches/EBSUs, our
      It is under the blessings of these    growing  aspirations  of  individuals  and   website:,
      unwavering ties, Bank of Baroda sowed   business community of UAE and to
      its seeds in UAE with the opening of  rst   realize that, Bank has established large   Toll Free: 800-BARODA
      branch in 1974 and which was          bouquet  of  products  such  as  Retail   (within UAE) and
      inaugurated in the presence of The Late   Lending, SME & Corporate Banking,
      Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum.   Syndicated Loans,  Trade Finance and   Email: [email protected].
      This was necessitated to cater to the   Treasury Products to provide the entire
      rapidly developing migrant Indian     gamut of services to its customers under
      population in the UAE and now post    one roof.
      signing of CEPA, a huge opportunity lies
      ahead for us as the agreement not only   We  also  take immense pride  in the
      has the potential to boost prosperity   tremendous support and enormous
      through  increased  bilateral  trade thus   faith reposed in us by our NRI customers
      giving impetus to the remittance      in our glorious journey till date and in
      corridor between the two nations but   order  to  address  their  various
      also boost the economic opportunity for   requirements we o er a wide range of
      businesses of all sizes in the two nations.  products and services ranging from
                                            digital banking ( E-Statement, Net
      At Bank of Baroda, it has been our strong   Banking, Mobile Banking), personalized
      endeavor to not only address the      debit cards aided with Green Pin
      banking and  nancial needs of the     generation facility through mobile
      Indian diaspora as well as the local   banking application; remittance services
      community but also develop a synergy   with attractive rates; attractive interest


                                                                                     40      TH Annual International         40       TH  Annual International
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