Page 2 - AGM Report 2023
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20 22|23 ANNU AL  REPOR T

                   The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

                                                    New Delhi

                                  (That person who is awake in those that sleep, shaping desire after desire, that,
                                  indeed, is the pure. That is Brahmam, that indeed is called the immortal. In it all the
                                  worlds rest and no one ever goes beyond it. This, verily, is that, kamam, kamam:
                                  desire after desire, really objects of desire. Even dream objects like objects of
                                  waking consciousness are due to the Supreme Person. Even dream consciousness is
                                  a proof of the existence of the self.
                                  No one ever goes beyond it: of Eckhart: ‘On reaching God all progress ends.’)

                             Technical Seminars  Technical Workshops  Annual Conference
                                   Social Get Together   Sports Carnival  CSR Events
                           Member/BusinessNetworking Events  Seminars on Latest Regulations

                                              #SharingKnowledge #CreatingGoodwill

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