Page 88 - Focus Group
P. 88

Corona PositiveS                                                       why  God  made  ears  protruding

                                                                                out of the face. They have to
                                                                                act like hangers!!. To balance
                                                                                reading glasses to earphones and
         The S is the only important letter,  Pressure cooker is the most       now most important, face mask
        the poSitive side effectS.          absurd utensil to clean. One has    strings.
         Corona is a beautiful word in      to dismantle every part of its lid   6     Husband      Wife    have
        itself. It actually means the       to clean, not once but twice thrice   become #Maidforeachother from
        CROWN. The outer layer of the       in a day. First remove its gasket.   ‘made for each other’
        sun is also called Corona. It has   You will have to try it with spoon,   7 Husbands started showing
        a beautiful golden ring, invisible   knife or any sharp kitchen tool    talents, which wives never
        because of its BRIGHTNESS,          (Be careful as you don’t want to    knew, existed before (Although
        SHINE     and    RADIANCE.    We    get hurt to work tomorrow as        it  backfired).They  are  good  at
        can see it only when sun goes       well and doctors’ visits are best   cleaning balconies, gardens, even
        through solar eclipse, as we just   to be avoided). Then remove its     toilets, utensils, mopping floor to
        witnessed on 21st June. When        whistle, (characterless part as     mirror shine, and above all they
        there is darkness, we can see this   it always whistles at your lovely   make the best Five star chefs!!.
        Stellar Corona in its golden light.   spouse/maid/help when you
                                                                                       The day, date, time,
         Extending the same analogy,        are  usually  in  office).  And  as  if   8   calendar, everything lost its
        we all are going through                                                   importance. We realized there
        similar  times. We are going                                               are only 24 hours in between
        through darkness of not                                                    2 sunrises or 2 sunsets. Jab
        knowing nature and mutation                                                jaago tab savera….eat, clean,
        of the virus, covid19. Here                                                cook, dish wash, sleep: cook,
        comes SHINE of our true                                                    eat, dish wash, watch TV, eat,
        nature,  BRIGHTNESS  of  our                                               sleep: clean, cook, eat, dish
        golden inner strength, the                                                 wash, watch TV, sleep; Repeat
        RADIANCE  of  our  positive                                                in between do office work
        attitude.                                                                  too, (if time permits)
         We have started living a                                                   Above are just first few days
        normal life now. It’s not                                                  of realization of day to day
        new normal, in fact it is Old                                              work. Every week progress
        Forgotten Normal, which we                                                 done  in  the above  routine.
        have dusted amidst our villas,      this was not enough, the most       People evolved. New activities
        penthouses,     bank    balances,   difficult area to clean is a small   added. New experiences added.
        assets, properties and fast paced  unreachable part which attaches      But above all, we realized that we
        lifestyles. What matters now  handle to the main cover. On the          are capable of doing many things
        is our family, our children, our  top of it, after cleaning, one has    ourselves and learnt to stay
        parents, and our home.              to assemble all parts again, like   strong and positive and happy
         Everyone is not only working       an engineer, to keep it ready for   too. If we have taught the entire
        FROM home but working AT home       the next use.                       world Namaste” as latest fashion
        Too. Together we are cleaning  3           We  can  use  kitchen  knife  trend of greeting one another, we
        rooms, hall, kitchen, balconies,  as a screwdriver to tighten every  have also learnt to be selfless, self
        store,  toilets,  apart  from  dishes  nut bolt in kitchen, from pressure  motivated and ATMANIRBHAR.
        and clothes and garbage bins.  cooker handle to milk pan to door
        Work which we never imagined  handles to human beings at point
        we can do ourselves, all family  blank.
        members are doing as team, (as      4      Used      dishes     have
        if office team building exercise is   suddenly  started    producing
        going on). New revelations are      children and grandchildren. The
        unearthing almost every day.        hour you clear the sink off dishes,
         1.  Never noted before that  next hour there will be double the
            when we broom, we have to  number  and if you dare ignore
            move forward and while  we  them and postpone cleaning,
            mop floor, we have to come  there will be 4 times of dishes to
            wiping back. (Please do  be cleared.
            practical and realize yourself,   5    Sudden realization as to      CA Anita Manglik

         88   TAX JOURNAL 2020                The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Dubai) Chapter NPIO
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