Page 95 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 95


                                                                                  April to December 2024

              Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Igniting Entrepreneurial Triumph

                                                      6  April 2024

       ICAI Dubai Chapter Marks Its Inaugural  and cybersecurity. Embracing the  giving some of his own life examples
       Event in Style.                     fourth Industrial Revolution, the ICAI  how he grew from a joint family and
                                           (Dubai) Chapter aims to promote  rose to Indian TV film.
       The Secretary of the ICAI Dubai Chapter,  quality over quantity in organizing
       CA Rishi Chawla, commenced with  events, with a goal of thinking big and
       an insightful address highlighting and  leveraging Dubai’s unique position as a
       emphasizing about the empowerment  global hub.
       of future leaders.
                                           CA Ranjeet Kumar Agarwal, President
       The event was addressed by - H.E.  of The Institute Chartered Accountants
       Sunjay Sudhir, the Indian Ambassador  of India, emphasized the organization’s
       to the United Arab Emirates, recently  commitment to empowering future
       acknowledged     the     significant  leaders.  He  stated,  “Every year,  we
       contributions of Indian Chartered  produce new leaders because the
       Accountants (CAs) in the UAE during  leadership says a leader is a person
       a major event.  With approximately  who can make new leaders rather than
       8,000 Indian CAs in the UAE, their  followers. We are working for the next  CA Rajesh Somani said,  “A CA is
       impact on the nation’s financial sector  generation, ensuring that they inherit a  equipped with financial acumen,
       is monumental.  Ambassador Sudhir  strong legacy.”                       strategic   thinking,  and    clear
       emphasized that nearly 60-70% of all                                     understanding of the break point is most
       CFOs in the country are Indian CAs,  H.E. Dr.  Tayeb Kamali, Chairman  suitable  to  become an  entrepreneur
       stating, “Your contribution to the UAE  of the Board at  Abu Dhabi School  and business leader. An entrepreneur
       economy is very widely acknowledged  of Management, spoke about the  does not mean just to start a business;
       not  only  by  the  UAE  leadership  but  strong partnership between the UAE  it is time for innovation and technology
       also the corporate world.” In addition  and India, describing it as “a triumph  breakthroughs.”
       to  honoring  the  achievements  of  of entrepreneurship between two
       Indian CAs, the event also spotlighted  governments, both excelling to do
       prominent Indian leaders in various  more for each other.”
       sectors, showcasing their impact on
       the UAE and India.                  Major Gaurav  Arya (Retd) from the
                                           Indian  Army shared his insights on
       CA Rajesh Somani, Chairman of the  leadership and the importance of
       ICAI (Dubai) Chapter, spoke about  investing in people. He noted, “When
       the  importance of  innovation  and  you invest in people, you create a
       entrepreneurship. With his experience  business that is long-lasting. The Indian
       as  an international  commodity trader,  Army derives its strength from morality,
       he believes that a CA equipped with  culture, ethos, and its people.”
       strategic thinking is most suitable
       to become an entrepreneur and  Overall, the event underscored the
       business leader. Somani emphasized,  significant contributions of Indian
       “Necessity is the mother of invention,  professionals in the UAE, especially
       and innovation is a must for growth and  in finance and leadership roles, and  H.E. Dr. Tayeb Kamali said, “United Arab
       survival in business.”              celebrated the strong ties between  Emirates and India clearly demonstrate
                                           India and the UAE in various sectors.  a triumph of entrepreneurship between
       CA Rajesh Somani highlighted the                                         two governments, both excelling in
       focus  on  learning  from  successful  To sum up the evening  Mr. Shailesh  doing more for each other. We couldn’t
       leaders and entrepreneurs, particularly  Lodha, Indian TV Producer, Poet and  be prouder of the recent achievements
       in emerging technologies such as  AI,  Author emphasized that life should be  in this partnership.”
       digitization, blockchain, data analytics,  enjoyed at every moment with laughter


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 Economy  CONFERENCE 2024-25  CONFERENCE 2024-25           Economy
 PROFESSION, BHARAT & WORLD ECONOMY                                           PR OFESSION, BHARA T & W OR LD EC ONOM Y
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 T & W
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