Page 72 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 72

PAST SPEAKER MESSAGES                                                                                                   PAST SPEAKER MESSAGES

                                                Mr. Mahendra Khiani                                                                                                      Mr. Manish Arora
                                               Director - Advisory Services                                                                                                  Tax Director
                                                    KPMG Lower Gulf                                                                                             Schneider Electric Middle East & Africa

       Envisage 2030: GRC, AI, and the Evolving Role of Indian CAs in the UAE                                                 Simplifying Transfer Pricing for Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
                                                                                                                              In 2022, a significant milestone was achieved when the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced the introduction of Corporate Tax
       As I reflect on the theme of Envisage: Profession, Bharat, and World Economy, a verse from the Bhagavad Gita comes to   (CT). Subsequently, the Federal Decree Law on Corporate Tax was published, encompassing various related provisions such as
       mind: “Tasmād asaktaḥ satataṃ kāryaṃ karma samāchara”—Therefore, always perform your duties without attachment.        the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR), interest capitalization, and regulations concerning free zones. Among these related
       This profound teaching emphasizes the importance of dedication to one’s responsibilities, not for personal gain but as a   provisions was the stipulation regarding Transfer Pricing (TP), which adheres to the Arm's Length Principle.
       means to contribute meaningfully to the world. For Indian Chartered Accountants (CAs), this message is a guiding light. It
       reminds us that our work—whether in governance, risk management, compliance, or embracing AI—is not just a career but
       a commitment to excellence and integrity. In the rapidly transforming global economy, this ethos becomes our compass,   Simple yet complicated, TP is one crucial provision in CT law, becoming more significant given that compliance with TP provisions
       guiding us to innovate and lead with purpose.                                                                          is a prerequisite for the entities in freezone to qualify for CT exemption. Let us understand basics of TP and What is TP? It is not
                                                                                                                              a tax or any additional levy rather TP refers to the price which is applied in a transaction between related persons, and it should
       The Confluence of Bharat’s Wisdom and the UAE’s Vision                                                                 be accurately determined means TP should be equivalent to the price that would be charged in a transaction with an unrelated
                                                                                                                              person (i.e., Arm’s length price (ALP)). In simple words, to ensure TP compliance, taxable person must substantiate that the TP is
       Indian CAs bring a unique blend of technical expertise and cultural adaptability to the UAE. Bharat’s civilizational ethos,   consistent with ALP.
       which emphasizes collective welfare, resonates with the UAE’s vision of sustainable growth. As S. Jaishankar outlines in
       The India Way, Bharat’s economic resurgence isn’t just about numbers; it’s a values-driven approach to leadership in the   While the concept appears easy and simple, however the unique characteristics of products or services, along with differing terms
       global economy.                                                                                                        and  conditions  between  unrelated  and  related parties,  complicate  the  identification  of  the  ALP  for  specific transactions.  In
       For Indian CAs, this means adopting the dual role of enablers and innovators—enabling businesses to navigate regulatory   instances where the ALP cannot be determined, it becomes necessary to assess and compare Arm's Length Profitability. To
       complexities while innovating through tools like AI. The UAE’s embrace of AI, reflected in its National AI Strategy 2031,   facilitate this  process, a defined framework known as  Nine steps  TP process  is  employed. Below is  the summary of this
       creates a fertile ground for Indian CAs to leverage this technology in audit and risk management. Imagine streamlining   framework:
       complex audits  through predictive analytics  or identifying  potential  fraud risks  in  real-time  using  machine learning
       algorithms—an unprecedented shift from reactive to proactive compliance.                                               1.  Understanding the Transaction details – It includes comprehensive analysis of transaction such as nature of transaction
                                                                                                                                 (goods, service etc.), industry/sector, parties involved etc.
       GRC and AI: Guardians of Integrity in the Digital Age                                                                  2.  Functional Analysis – The price of any transaction reflects the functions each party perform, considering asset
                                                                                                                              employed and risk assumed.
       Governance, risk, and  compliance are no longer confined to checklists  and  manuals.  Today, they demand strategic    3.  Economic Analysis – This step entails identifying comparable transactions or comparable entities, which can be either
       foresight. AI, when used ethically, becomes an ally in enhancing audit quality and ensuring transparency. Here lies the role   internal or external. Based on the availability of comparables and relevant data, one of the Transfer Pricing methods is
       of the Indian CA: to integrate AI into GRC frameworks while upholding the profession’s ethical foundations.            selected. The methods include Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP), Resale Price Method (RPM), Cost Plus Method (
       As suggested in the book Timeless Leadership, true leaders are those who embrace change without losing sight of their   CPM), Profit Split Method (PSM), Transactional Net Margin Method (TNMM), and other Method.
       purpose. Indian CAs in the UAE must embody this philosophy, becoming thought leaders who not only adapt to AI but also   4.  Comparability Adjustment – This involves adjusting for any differences between the comparable transactions or
       guide its ethical implementation.                                                                                      entities that may impact the price or profitability.
                                                                                                                              5.  Benchmarking – Finally, the interquartile range is applied to the final set of comparables, and the profitability of the
       A Future Rooted in Purpose                                                                                             taxable entity is benchmarked against this range.
       The  Bhagavad Gita teaches  us to  focus  on the  process, not just the outcome:  “Karmanye vadhikaraste  ma  phaleshu    To ensure compliance and streamline TP adherence, the following steps should be observed:
       kadachana.” For Indian CAs, this translates to staying committed to continuous learning and aligning professional growth   1.  Robust Documentation – Ensuring all the transaction and basis of pricing is properly documented. Transfer pricing policy and
       with societal impact. The opportunities in the UAE—whether in fintech, ESG auditing, or AI-driven governance—are immense,   Intercompany agreements are part of the suggested documentation.
       but they demand preparation.                                                                                           2.  Substance over form – While documentation is crucial, it is equally important to ensure that actual conduct aligns with
       The  journey ahead  is  both  thrilling  and  demanding.  As  professionals  rooted  in  Bharat’s  wisdom and  equipped  with   the documented terms.
       cutting-edge skills, we have the tools to redefine the narrative of Indian CAs globally. Let us embrace this challenge with the   3.  Transaction Specific approach – Regardless of the profitability reported at the legal entity level, the pricing and
       clarity of purpose and the spirit of innovation, shaping a future where governance, technology, and humanity converge   benchmarking of each transaction must comply with TP regulations.
                                                                                                                              In conclusion, it is imperative to emphasize that TP compliance should never be undervalued. MNCs ought to adopt a proactive
       In closing, I leave you with this thought: Our profession is not just about compliance; it is about creating value, ensuring   approach rather than a reactive one. Therefore, let us not wait until the end of the fiscal year or the commencement of an audit;
       trust, and enabling growth. The world needs leaders who can envision a better tomorrow. Are you ready to step up?      it is essential to act now.!!!


                                                                                 42    nd  ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL
                                                            $5 Trillion
                                                             Economy                    CONFERENCE 2024-25
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