Page 234 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 234
Feedback from Members
acrucial role in the success of this event, and
CA Day we look forward to continued collaboration in
the future.
Blood donation drive by icai dxb, what a way Our sincere thanks go to our Platinum Sponsors,
to celebrate team India win, excom keep doing Principal Sponsors, Institutional Partners, and
the great work all other sponsors who have supported this
CA Huzefa Sailawala initiative. Your support has been instrumental in
bringing this masterclass to fruition.
I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of
our ICAI Dubai Chapter Committee Members,
particularly CA Sanjay Gagarani, for his
CHAT GPT BATCH 1 exceptional coordination and organization. Your
Sunday 14 July 2024 dedication and hard work behind the scenes
have ensured the smooth execution of this
Vote of Thanks by ICAI Dubai Chapter Committee
Member ( Chat Gpt) A special thanks to our participants, who have
joined us with great enthusiasm and curiosity.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your active participation and engagement have
As we come to the end of this enlightening enriched this session and made it a success.
session on “GPTurbocharged: Mastering AI We hope you have found this masterclass as
without Code,” it is my privilege and honor informative and inspiring as we intended it to
to deliver the vote of thanks on behalf of the be.
ICAI Dubai Chapter. Today’s session has been
an incredible journey into the world of AI and Lastly, I would like to thank the entire team
ChatGPT, and it would not have been possible at ICAI Dubai Chapter for their unwavering
without the efforts of many individuals. support and commitment to fostering a
culture of continuous learning and professional
First and foremost, I would like to extend our development.
heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed trainer, Mr.
Mahendra Khiani. Your expertise and insights As we conclude, let us carry forward the
have provided us with a deep understanding knowledge and skills we have gained today and
of GPTs, their customization, and integration. apply them in our respective fields. Together, we
Your engaging delivery and hands-on approach can harness the power of AI to drive innovation
have made complex concepts accessible and and excellence.
enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Thank you once again, and we look forward to
and for making this masterclass an invaluable your participation in future events.
experience. CA Dilip Jain
We are immensely grateful to our title sponsor,
KPMG Lower Gulf, for their generous support
and partnership. Your contribution has played
$5 Trillion
Economy CONFERENCE 2024-25