Page 206 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 206
Professional life can become blissful with
CA Nerendra Lohiya
I am a GOD creation came in this world with blessings of my beloved parents. Parents as my GOD guided me
to grow and become an able person. With everyone’s blessings I achieved few professional milestones became
commerce and law graduate and finally a chartered accountant. My childhood and further life was always very
simple and basic. My father had started his life believing in investment and he used to say no need to start business
instead invest in equity market and we can become owners of multiple companies/industries. Never did trading
but remained a good investor. He left the world after working for one employer for 30 years and continued his
investment journey, guided each family member education and also believed in GOD. He also wrote few books, lots
of stories, songs and poems.
Once we grow and get married we all get into the race of earning and our core aim in life becomes growth, success,
compete and achieving. Late working, taking stress, never getting satisfied, late eating, drinks, etc became our part
of life. Health issues, less peace, borrowing, creating liability, etc come in our life even though we are professionals
and taking care of others wealth and businesses.
I started my professional life in Mumbai in 1983 before I passed chartered accountancy exam in May 1986. In Feb
1988 I got married and with my beloved wife and parents emotional support and they guided me to start my own
practice. Learnt a lot doing my practice for 8 years but to progress as per my destiny thru a Travel agency (my client)
I started meeting businessmen having their business set up overseas. My life journey as per my destiny brought me
to Dubai in May 92. Had come here for two years only. But I continue to be still here as per destiny but as guided in
our spiritual books kept doing karam (my duties) with responsibility and always contributed more than my salary/
rewards resulted in continuity of my role at my employer place. My current job role in my current company is 23
years plus. I always request anyone coming in my contact if you are taking salary from your employer ensure you
earn or contribute them in multiples of your salary.
I would like to share I am enjoying my life journey in Dubai, UAE for 32 + years and I have lived here more than my
birth country. My 2 sons grew here with blessings of GOD and have one wonderful daughter-in-law. Continuing to
have blessings of Mother (my Father is always with her), great elder brother and his family plus great relatives and
friends with blessings of my GOD. I also had stress and professionals diseases such as hypertension, collestrol
and one day in 2017 I was given a gift by a friend of a Spiritual Wani which progressed my spiritual journey as per
my destiny. I accepted my spiritual teacher as my Guruji and saw my life making a u turn and found my ‘way of
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