Page 152 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 152


        April to December 2024

             The Changing World of IFRS - Navigating Recent Developments” Event Provides
                                                 Invaluable Insights
                                                   14  September 2024

       Dubai, UAE - September 14, 2024: In  it fosters among businesses, investors,  The event concluded with an interactive
       a world where International Financial  and regulators. His insights into the  panel discussion, moderated by CA
       Reporting Standards (IFRS) continue  academic side of IFRS showcased  Abbas  Ali Mirza*, where attendees
       to evolve, the recent event,  “The  the importance of ongoing learning  had the opportunity to ask in-depth
       Changing  World of IFRS: Navigating  and adaptation in the accounting  questions and gain practical insights
       the Recent Developments”, delivered  profession.                         into  how    these   IFRS  updates
       critical updates to accounting and                                       can be implemented within their
       finance professionals. Held at Le  The event featured an impressive  organizations. The dynamic exchange
       Meridien Hotel & Convention Centre  lineup of speakers and panelists, each  of ideas reinforced the importance of
       in Dubai, the  event offered  members  offering  specialized knowledge on  adapting to ongoing IFRS  changes  in
       expert perspectives on the latest IFRS  various aspects of IFRS:         order to maintain accurate, transparent,
       developments,   including  updates                                       and compliant financial reporting.
       relevant to both SMEs and large  - CA Gautam Shah, Partner at
       corporations.                        KKC &  Associates LLP, delivered a  As businesses in the UAE and
                                            comprehensive presentation on *IFRS  beyond continue to expand globally,
       The distinguished Chief Guest, Mr.  18, IFRS 19, and IFRS for SMEs and  staying informed about the latest
       Omar  Al Marzooqi, Owner of Omar  MSMEs. His session offered clarity on  developments in IFRS has never been
       Al  Marzooqi  Group  of Companies,  how these standards affect both small  more  critical.  The  “Changing  World
       opened the session with remarks on  and medium-sized enterprises and  of IFRS” event not only provided
       the  importance of  IFRS  compliance  their reporting requirements, making  members  with  the  latest  knowledge
       in today’s rapidly changing global  it particularly relevant for businesses in  but also equipped  them with the
       business environment. He highlighted  the growing SME sector.            tools needed to successfully navigate
       the significance of adapting to new                                      the complexities of the ever-evolving
       reporting  standards,  emphasizing   - CA Himanshu Kishnadwala, Principal  financial reporting landscape.
       how  effective  navigation  of  these  Partner  at  CNK &  Associates  LLP,
       changes can lead to greater financial  provided an expert overview of *IFRS
       transparency and trust for businesses  - S1 and IFRS - S2, focusing on the
       operating on the international stage.  new sustainability-related standards
                                            that have been gaining prominence.
       The Guest of Honor and Moderator,  He explained the importance of
       CA Abbas Ali Mirza, Chairman of the  integrating  sustainability  metrics
       21st session of ISAR / UNCTAD at the  into  financial  reporting  as the  global
       UN and renowned author of 15 books  business community moves toward
       on IFRS, guided the proceedings with  greater corporate responsibility.
       his wealth of expertise, providing a
       solid foundation for discussions on  - CA M.P.  Vijay Kumar, Executive
       key IFRS updates. He emphasized that  Director & Group CFO of Sify
       staying current with IFRS is not just a  Technologies, shared his insights
       compliance issue but a critical business  on *IFRIC  Agenda Decisions made
       imperative for companies aiming for  since January 2022. His session
       international growth and credibility.  helped participants  understand  the
       Guest   of   Honor,   Dr.   Sridhar  significance of these decisions and
       Ramamoorti,  Associate Professor of  how they affect the interpretation and
       Accounting at the University of Dayton,  application of existing IFRS standards,
       further emphasized the significance of  with real-world examples from his own
       IFRS, underlining the global alignment  experience.


                                                                                 42    nd  ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL
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