Page 132 - ENVISAGE - Souvenir 2024 - Flip Book
P. 132


        April to December 2024

                                  Yoga for Life Business, Living & Health

                                                      23  June 2024
       The “Yoga for Life, Business Living for  practice.  The sessions focused on  reduce stress, and cultivate a positive
       Health” event was an inspiring and  improving flexibility, strength, and  mindset.  This session emphasized
       rejuvenating experience, blending the  balance while promoting relaxation and  the importance of mental well-being
       principles of yoga with the essentials  mindfulness.                     and its impact on overall health and
       of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in                                    productivity.
       the  business  world.  Held  at a  serene  Interspersed with the yoga practices
       venue, the event drew participants  were insightful workshops on health  The event concluded with a networking
       from diverse professional backgrounds,  and  wellness. Renowned  speakers  luncheon, where attendees connected
       all seeking to enhance their physical,  shared valuable tips on maintaining a  over wholesome, nutritious meals.
       mental, and emotional well-being.   balanced diet, managing stress, and  This provided an excellent opportunity
                                           incorporating healthy habits into daily  to exchange ideas, share experiences,
       The day began with a warm welcome  routines.  These workshops  provided  and build lasting relationships.
       and an introduction to the holistic  practical advice on how to sustain a
       benefits  of  yoga.  Expert   yoga  healthy lifestyle amidst the demands  “Yoga for Life, Business Living for
       instructors  led  participants  through  a  of a busy business environment.  Health” was a transformative event that
       series  of  invigorating  yoga  sessions,                                empowered participants to prioritize
       each designed to cater to various skill  The highlight of the event was the cake  their well-being, integrate healthy

       levels. From beginners to advanced  cutting ceremony to celebrate  CA day &  practices  into  their  professional  lives,
       practitioners,  everyone  found  a  the interactive session on mindfulness  and achieve a harmonious balance
       comfortable pace, discovering new  and meditation. Participants learned  between work and health.
       techniques  and   deepening   their  techniques to enhance their focus,


                                                                                 42    nd  ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL
                                                            $5 Trillion
                                                             Economy                    CONFERENCE 2024-25
                                 LD EC
                          T & W
            OFESSION, BHARA
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