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Member Articles

                                                          VAT On Export Of Goods

                          CA Harsh Bhatia                     both ‘official’ and ‘commercial’ evidence as proof of
                                                              movement of goods outside the UAE, the transaction
                                                              should be treated as a zero-rated export. FTA has clarified
                                                              against this position and suggested to account for 5%
          “VAT will soon be completing 5 Years in the UAE,    VAT, based on the reasoning that the UAE supplier is
          however, many businesses have been unable to decode   acting as an agent to export the goods on behalf of the
          the VAT zero-rating conditions for export. To avail of VAT   UAE buyer.
          benefit on exports, goods should be physically exported   3. Non-issuance of Exit Certificate by Customs
          to a place outside the UAE within 90 days from the date   department in case of Indirect exports: Many times
          of supply (‘DoS’) and the supplier needs to maintain   suppliers are unable to retain Exit certificates from
          both ‘Official’ and ‘Commercial’ evidence.  Challenges   Customs authority as proof of ‘Official Evidence’. FTA
          faced by the businesses in this regard and how they can   has been seeking an Exit certificate as mandatory
          structure solutions around this are highlighted below:    evidence for zero-rating. In instances wherein Customs
          1. Goods not being exported within 90 days from the   authorities are not issuing Exit certificates, it is
          DoS: For zero-rating benefits, it is vital to have evidence   suggested to take an administrative exception from the
          of goods leaving the country within 90 days from the   FTA requesting to accept evidence other than an Exit
          DoS.  Businesses  should  track  90  days  timeline  and   certificate.
          account for 5% VAT on the 91st day if the goods are not   4. Export through an agent: For exporting goods through
          exported or account for 5% VAT in advance and issue   an agent it is important that the business should have
          a tax credit note when there is evidence for exporting   a valid contract with the agent and all the ‘Official’ and
          goods within 90 days from the DoS. Businesses can   ‘Commercial’ evidence are in the name of the business
          also request FTA for an extension of the 90-day limit by   and not the agent.  Businesses should ensure that
          submitting an administrative exception request.     complete export documentation is readily available to

          2. ‘Bill To Ship To’ Supply Model: In UAE, ‘Bill To Ship   get the zero-rating benefit during audits as FTA expects
          To’ transactions are a common occurrence. Businesses   that all the records are maintained by businesses during
          have been taking a position that since they have    their regular course of business.”


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