Page 12 - ICAI Newsletter - 2nd Quarter 2024
P. 12


       Issue from 01 July 2024 to 30 September 2024 (for private circulation only)

           ICAI Dubai Chapter in Dubai Marks 78th Independence Day with Patriotic Fervor

                                                     17  August 2024
       Dubai, 17th August 2024 – The Iranian  with a speech that drew fascinating  The highlight of the evening was a
       Social Club in Dubai’s Oud Metha Road  parallels between the resilience and  theatrical performance that brought the
       was transformed into a vibrant venue  teamwork  seen  in cricket  and  the  story of Chandrashekhar Azad, one of
       of patriotism as the Indian community  indomitable spirit of independence. Her  India’s most revered freedom fighters,
       gathered to celebrate the 78th  words highlighted the common thread  to life. This first-ever portrayal of Azad’s
       Independence Day of India. The event,  of perseverance and the relentless  life in Dubai struck a chord with the
       organized by the ICAI Dubai Chapter,  pursuit of excellence, whether on the  audience, offering a poignant reminder
       spanned from 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM and  field or in the fight for freedom.  of the sacrifices made by those who
       featured a series of inspiring speeches,                                 fought for India’s independence.
       cultural performances, and a tribute to  Actress, model, and former Miss India,  The celebration concluded with a
       India’s freedom fighters.           Ms. Neha Dhupia, delivered a powerful  stirring musical performance by Indo
                                           address titled “From National Crown to  Fusion, whose renditions of patriotic
       The  evening  commenced  with  an  Camera: Embracing One’s Roots While  songs filled the venue with a sense of
       address by H.E. Satish Kumar Sivan,  Breaking Stereotypes with Freedom.”  unity and pride. The event was a fitting
       Consul General of India to Dubai, who  Dhupia’s reflections resonated deeply  tribute to the spirit  of independence
       underscored the significance of unity  with the audience as she discussed  and the enduring legacy of India’s
       and the diverse cultural heritage that  her  journey from  winning  the  Miss  freedom struggle.
       India proudly upholds. The event also  India title to carving a niche in the
       featured Mr. Siddharth Balachandran,  film industry. She emphasized the  The successful execution of the event
       Executive Chairman and CEO of  importance of staying true to one’s  was a testament to the dedication of
       Buimerc Corporation Ltd, who spoke  cultural roots while daring to defy  the  ICAI  Dubai  Chapter’s  managing
       as the Guest of Honour, reflecting on  societal expectations. Her speech was  committee, who worked tirelessly to
       India’s  journey  towards  becoming  a  not only engaging but also inspiring,  bring together the Indian community
       global leader.                      as she urged everyone to embrace  in Dubai for this momentous occasion.
                                           their  unique identities  with  pride  and  Their efforts ensured that the event
       Among the evening’s notable speakers,  to challenge conventional norms with  not only honored India’s past but also
       Padma Shri and  Arjuna  Awardee Ms.  courage and confidence.             inspired a renewed sense of patriotism
       Anjum Chopra captivated the audience                                     and commitment to the future.


                                             01 July 2024 to 30 September 2024
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